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My Bad? Experience Part 3

16th July came and I walked 15 minutes to collect the TV in store.

They had the TV but had changed the order number therefore I gave the store incorrect details, the TV had no name on it either so they couldn’t ID me as the owner, the store called CS (apparently) and couldn’t get through for 90 minutes and I ended up leaving the store roughly 2 hours after I first arrived.

The next day (17th July) was a massive improvement though, I called CS and got the new order number and a Parcel ID number, also an extension number for the person I spoke to, hopefully making it easier for me to collect the TV in store.

I went to the store that morning and collected the TV with no problems and went home to finally finish this unusual episode.

PS: I never got the email saying the TV was in stock, had I waited for that I still wouldn’t have the TV by now.

By being persistent I eventually managed to collect the TV which I’m very impressed with.

Sometimes in life, as well as business it pays (financially & emotionally) to not give up.

I hope you learned something and will not give up either.

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