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Is That Hot Blonde Just An Attention Seeker?

Deciding if you should approach that hot sexy girl can be hard.

You see that gorgeous stranger with her silky soft and smooth skin and mind numbing thoughts come into your head.

How can you tell that she’s interested as opposed to an attention seeker who will painfully reject you if you “misinterpret” her actions?

You need to look for the distinction between actions that girls will take when she knows she wants to see you again and the actions she’ll take when you’re just another guy who will give her attention to stroke her ego, but won’t be stroking anything more!

It’s difficult to be 100& sure but the signals to look are: She goes out of her way to talk to you and have a conversation or she repeatedly touches you, in an unnecessary way.

Beautiful women won’t normally touch you if she’s just an attention seeker, because she doesn’t want you to benefit sexually from her if she’s not interested in you.

Hot girls also won’t normally go out of their way to talk with you, because she understands the possible confrontation that could arise from her painfully rejecting you once you’ve asked for her telephone number.

So she might want attention from you but actually talking to you to get it makes it too easy for you to ask her out, increasing possible confrontation, when she only wanted some attention from you.

However it’s easy for girls to just try to catch your attention, smile at you or make it easy for you to check her out without her catching you.

Those signals could mean various things, not necessarily that she wants you.

Look for the less frequent, but more overt, signals I mention above and ditch those attention seekers for good!

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  1. Ryan says

    Great article every guy should read. Reminds me of the hot blonde dilemma from “A Beautiful Mind” — go for her less hot friends!

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