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How to Avoid Getting Fake Phone Numbers from Girls

I know what you’re going through.

The times when you’re having a “nice” conversation with a beautiful girl that you really like.

You ask for her number, she agrees, and you’re telling yourself that you won’t do anything to mess this up and you are so excited to get to know this girl better.

You say Thanks, she says OK, and you say “have a nice day” and go home wondering what to say to her when you call and what you’ll do together the next time you see her.

You’ve spent hours in your mind building up this situation.

And then it happens…

You call her and you hear the message saying “you’ve reached an incorrect number”

This can’t be the case.

So you call again and you hear the same message.

You try a couple more times and you keeping hearing the same message.

What could have happened?

Could you have typed her number in your phone wrong?


You know you typed it in correctly and she even confirmed it.

So what gives?

Why did she give you a fake number!

That’s not the point of me writing this.

My only intention is to tell you to avoid getting the fake number in the first place; thereby saving all that time you spent worrying about her when she was never interested.

Why wasn’t she interested?

Again, that’s not the point of me writing this.

So here it is…

To avoid getting a fake number simply ask the girl to call your phone instead of asking her for her number and when she calls you her real number will show up on your phone, preventing you having a fake, or indeed just an incorrect number in your phone.

If she refuses to call your phone she is probably not interested in you.

But maybe she has no credit? Maybe she wants to get to know me better first before giving out her number?


Of course it’s possible, but it’s also possible a girl could give you her real number and then lose her phone the same day so she never answers your calls.

See where I’m getting at, it’s possible, just not likely.

So follow this tip and avoid time wasting, depressing, fake numbers from girls so you can have more time doing whatever it is you enjoy.

Until the next time,

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