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Why Girls Lead Men On

In many parts of the world women’s looks are celebrated, derided, praised, appeased etc.

This means that women become conditioned, by themselves and others, to feel that that being considered attractive is important therefore they value it.

Being fancied makes girls feel good about themselves, it reminds them that they are attractive and for you as a man, or woman, to show her you fancy her doesn’t actually require an approach.

She just has to get you to look at her, in a nice way, for a while and once this is done she goes back to pretending like you don’t exist, or like you was the one paying attention to her first.

She doesn’t care about doing this to men in general because the actual person who likes her is not important; it just has to be any human being.

Girls are very aware that you probably don’t want to be caught looking at her, so by trying to catch your attention successfully she has more proof you like her.

Also you’ll feel more comfortable because you think she’s OK with you watching her or maybe likes you but most of the time she does this for her benefit, not yours.

If you can learn to deal with this, in several ways, it can help you to prevent the frustration and feeling like you’ve be lead on every time you see a pretty lady who wants you to notice her.

Until the next time,

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